The Affirmations Project was founded by a cancer and domestic violence survivor to provide emotional and financial support to women who have survived these traumatic experiences. Our goal is to promote self-love and self-acceptance, and to empower women to stop self-deprecation and to restore self-love. We want to inspire women to reaffirm their true value, and to look at themselves and see beauty regardless of the scars that mark their bodies. This project is for all the young girls and women who feel they are not enough. This is a reminder that true beauty comes from the heart regardless of our flaws. We believe in the power of words. What we say we are we will become.
Our mission is to provide emotional and financial support to cancer and domestic violence survivors in the Tampa Bay area. Special consideration is given to women with no support system. Sadly, many women find themselves managing this burden all alone! Imagine a friend or loved one fighting for her life with no help, while at the same time struggling to provide for her family. No one should have to travel this difficult road alone!
We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone!
“Don't allow the pain of your past to determine the rest of your life.”
- Adriana Pabon
the affirmations project | Founder
Other “cancers” like domestic violence are also financially devastating for survivors. More often than not, women barely escape with their lives, leaving everything behind. They sacrifice financial security, material possessions and other means of support for themselves and their children. Our goal is to provide them with the tools and resources to become self-sufficient again.
We want to help them thrive, not just survive!
Many survivors endure waves of anxiety, PTSD, a loss of self-confidence and body image issues. The Affirmations Project puts a strong emphasis on promoting emotional healing through a variety of events that we host throughout the year. One of our most inspirational events is our photography gallery showcasing survivors with their words of affirmation painted on their bodies. Their affirmation words encompass what got them through the toughest time of their lives.
A reminder that even though we have lasting physical and emotional scars – We Survived.
To become a participant in The Affirmations Project photography gallery clink the link below.
A compilation of stories of survival, resilience and hope.